Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.
DiSystem has built two systems for servicing trading companies in Europe
The company is a European credit agency and IT integrator
between banks and trading companies, providing both parties
modern tools in two innovative programs.
Integrated installment platform
IT system for the direct sales sector
We operate on eleven markets
Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Spain, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan Croatia, Romania
Data safety
- Servers located in Warsaw at the largest hosting company in Europe
- EBA Compliance with the guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA) for financial service operators in Europe
- PCI and DSS certificate for hosting banking data
- Compliance with GDPR requirements (GDPR)
Data in the cloud
- Encrypted data backup 4 times a day. Data security in the event of fire, flooding, etc.
- Data export only for selected employees.
- Each employee sees only a fragment of the data provided to him by the administrator
- The employee will not save company data on a pendrive
- Monitored user logins and activities
Three possibilities of use
Independent IT platform
Automatic and free of charge integration of both programs
and data exchange between them
Independent IT platform
Features and benefits
DiSell and DiCredit programs integrate
all back office activities of the entire sales,
credit and after-sales service processes.
It is a unique software used for comprehensive management and handling of all business processes (including leads and telephone calls) in direct sales companies (including renewable energy, home sales, premises).
A platform for trading companies that enable their customers to purchase their products and services via an installment system. The platform allows you to take advantage of the offers of banks without extra costs.
More DiSell functions
Company data safety. Real-time service services
Access control: selected employees see only the data they are supposed to see according to their assigned permissions.
Saving time and money
Increasing the scale of automation and the flow of data used for various types of analyses
Access to documentation and sales results in real-time
Increasing the scale of automation and data flow
Reduction of office staff
Business processes tailored to the company
More DiCredit functions
Time saving – customer data is entered into the system only once
Checking the acceptance of applications one by one according to the seller’s priority
If the bank rejects the application, the seller has the opportunity to check the application with another bank
Possibility to check the acceptance of the application in several banks at the same time or (depending on market conditions)
Minimizing errors in bank applications
Company data safety. Real-time service services
„…DiSell allowed us to build a network of points where it is worth conducting sales meetings. The location assessment system, which is available in the program, has improved the arranging of sales meetings, thus minimizing the risk of choosing the wrong place…”
„…A huge improvement for our organization is the currency exchange system in virtual wallets. Thanks to it, we know exactly how much cash and in what currency is currently in the organization’s cash register…”
„…The system is very helpful in managing a fleet of company vehicles. We can easily monitor the mileage of a given car, the validity of insurance or inspection…”
Contact with DiSystem
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